Here's a passage from the unanimous decision by three judges which was written by Circuit Judge Raymond Fisher: "EA's use of replicas of former players isn't a coincidence, since it is integral to EA's primary commercial goal that is to make a convincing virtual recreation of football games that involve the current and former NFL players." An EA spokesperson declined to comment.
One of the participants in the suit one of the plaintiffs, Former Los Angeles Rams quarterback Vince Ferragamo stated that Madden NFL series had exact resemblance, including the features, of retired players. The problem is, Ferragamo claims EA did not get permission for their use.
The case is similar to the one of 2022 when a judge has ruled in favor of EA in a case that was filed from an ex- Arizona State University QB Sam Keller regarding his participation in the NCAA Football series.
The plaintiff claimed that EA employed images of college athletes, without compensating the athletes. EA was eventually forced to pay 60 million dollars to settle the lawsuit as well as this year's NCAA Football series was put in limbo.
EA Sports has released the results of its annual Super Bowl simulation using Madden NFL 23. In this year's edition, the game is predicting - as many sportswriters, fans, Vegas oddsmakers, and even Tecmo Bowl believe -- that this year's Carolina Panthers will beat the Denver Broncos in Super Bowl 50.
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